Lee, Sungho

Principal researcher, Group leader
Systems engineering for astronomical instrumentation, Infrared astronomy

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Kim, Kang-Min

Principal researcher
Opto-mechanics for infrared/visible spectrographs

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Kim, Sanghyuk

Senior Researcher
Opto-mechanics for infrared/visible spectrographs

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Kim, Yunjong

Senior researcher
Optical systems for astronomical instrumentation

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Kim, Chang-Hee

Postdoctoral fellow
Control electronics for astronomical instrumentation

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Park, Chan

Principal researcher
Infrared/visible instrumentation, Infrared astronomy

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Seong, HyeonCheol

Senior researcher
Control electronics for astronomical instrumentation

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Oh, Jae Sok

Senior researcher
Infrared/visible instrumentation

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Oh, Heeyoung

Senior researcher
Infrared/optical instrumentation, Infrared astronomy

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Yu, Young Sam

Senior researcher
Infrared/visible instrumentation

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Yuk, In-Soo

Principal researcher
Instrumentation, Infrared astronomy(spectroscopy), Star-forming region, Galaxy evolution

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Jang, Jeong-Gyun

Principal researcher
Telescope development and maintenance

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Jeong, Ueejeong

Senior Researcher
Control electronics and software for astronomical instrumentation

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Chun, Moo-Young

Principal researcher
Control electronics for astronomical instrumentation

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Han, Jeong-Yeol

Principal researcher
Optical system for astronomical instruementation, Optical fabrication, Metrology for Aspherical optics

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KASI CfLAT Optical Astronomical Technology Group 2018